Quality Sleep Quality Life

We create engaging and entertaining educational content to raise awareness about the profound impact of poor sleep quality on one's quality of life. By spreading the word, we aim to empower individuals to prioritize their sleep for a healthier and happier life.

What is

Love of sleep?

Our mission is to educate people about the critical role that sleep plays in our mental health and overall physical and mental wellbeing. We will do this through a couple of different ways. First, we will create entertaining educational content to help raise awareness and spread the word of the ways in which poor sleep quality can have devastating effects on someone’s quality of life. Second, we raise funds to allow us to make a tangible difference in people’s lives through community outreach. Finally, we supply sleep essentials to those who need it the most and whose lives may be the most impacted by a significant improvement in their sleep - areas in need of disaster relief, shelters for domestic violence victims and homelessness.

Our Core Values



We promise to always be driven by our hearts, and to let our love and compassion for others lead the way. We have found that making our decisions this way has always taken us down the most pure, genuine, and productive path, and provided us with the greatest opportunities to truly make a difference.



We believe that our skills, knowledge, and love for people have put us in the perfect position to touch lives and lend our hearts and hands to those in need. This will always be our true focus and at the core of everything we do. We will always maintain a profound awareness and deep appreciation for what we are able to accomplish, but we will never let that be our finish line. We will never stop chasing our potential for helping others.


We will always push ourselves to do the absolute best that we can in every given situation, and to continue to improve even further over time. We strive to make an impact that grows with us, and although we may have high standards for how we operate, we believe that it is important to never waver in our convictions and our vision.


Here's how your donations make an impact:

Enhancing Sleep Health
Your contributions fuel initiatives promoting better sleep quality, supporting awareness campaigns, educational resources, and ethical sleep essentials distribution to ensure restful nights for all.

Community Support for Sleep Essentials
With your generosity, we provide sleep essentials to those in need, collaborating with ethical suppliers to make pillows, bedding, and aids accessible to all, fostering a culture of love for rejuvenating sleep.

Advocacy for Sleep Well-being
Your donations empower our advocacy, championing policies prioritizing sleep well-being and collaborating with organizations to create a sleep-friendly environment. Together, we amplify the voice for quality sleep.

Your donation to the Love of Sleep Foundation is more than a gift; it's a step toward a world where everyone cherishes the restorative power of quality sleep. Click the DONATE NOW button to be part of this meaningful journey.